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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's

6.8.5 Conversion and Encoding Functions

Conversion and Encoding Functions:

Here are functions for converting values between different data types, and functions for encoding and decoding values between different formats.

convert(t,v)Converts the value v to the data type indicated by t.Sybase/MSSQL. ANSI uses cast(). MySQL uses cast() or convert(), but different parameter order.
dateformat(d,f)Formats the datetime value d using the format string f. Valid format components include: dd (zero padded two-digit day of month), d (non zero padded two digit day of month), ddd (cardinal day of month), MMMM (long month name), MMM (short month abbreviation), MM (zero padded two-digit month of year), M (non zero padded two digit month of year), yy (two-digit year), yyyy (four-digit year), HH (hour in 24-hour format), hh (hour in 12-hour format, and appends am/pm), mm (two-digit minutes), ss (two-digit seconds).Similar to Sybase/MSSQL; MySQL uses date_format() with a different format string.
from_base64(s)Decodes the base64-encoded content of the string s and returns it in binary form.MySQL
from_hex(s)Decodes the hex-encoded content of the string s and returns it in binary form.MySQL uses unhex()
to_base64(b)Encodes the binary or string data b into base64-encoded form and returns a string.MySQL
to_hex(b)Encodes the binary or string data in b into hex-encoded form and returns a string.MySQL uses hex()
wordify(n)Converts the number n into a human-readable string notation using words. For example, wordify(4) = "Four", wordify(25) = "Twenty-Five", and wordify($1.23) = "One And 23/100". The returned string is always in mixed case; it can be converted to all-uppercase or all-lowercase using upper() or lower().Centrallix


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